Week 4 of Fashion Workshops today was an absolute blast. The 6 girls today we had today were all so incredibly talented in my crash course. Again Fiona, Alva, Diana, Fiona, Sophie and Molly were given mood boards to work with in design teams of 3.
Fiona, Diana and Fiona were given a colourful surfer beach mood board with prominent colours of blue, pink and orange. Alva, Sophie and Molly had a rope, sea and sand inspired image. Both groups got tucked into the design and production of the jewellery while I made sure that they got all their creative and design juices flowing. There was a few mishaps of beads bouncing from the tables but it went very smoothly and the girls enjoyed the challenge of the miniature materials they had to work with.
Necklace, headpiece, earrings, bracelet and eyeglass chain
Bracelet, necklace, bracelet and earrings
I was really surprised by the amount of thought that went into their presentations and the ability to work so well in a team. They told us that they'd like to stock in H&M and Next "because its for late teens and adults", "it's beachwear but can't be worn in the sea" and "its for the surfer girl who likes to be stylish with accessories".